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WPICTF 2022 - PWN - Calicovision

A simple pwn challenge from WPICTF 2022, around vtables.

This post was written in 2022, but I had never posted it by accident. Published in October 2024.


To continue our previous post about the WPICTF 2022 (online, hosted by Worcester Polytechnic Institute Cyber Security Club), we will focus our attention on a pwn challenge. And to change, this time we’ll use Ghidra rather than Cutter 😎

A x64 ELF binary is provided with this challenge, no code is given.


We explore the terminal user interface (TUI) of the binary, and we find the potential buffer overflow in the B - Name a cat submenu. Let’s try to get the offset with gdb-peda:

$ pattern create 100
$ r
[paste pattern]
[=> overflow (no RIP erase)]
$ pattern_search
[=> overflow (RAX erase and RIP pointing to call [RAX])]]

As we can see, it will not be that trivial to exploit the vulnerability since RIP is not directly controlled. However, we can see that RIP will point to a call instruction, with the function address stored in RAX, and RAX retrieve this function adress from the value pointed by R12:

GDB-peda view of the overflow

So, to summarize:

  • We can change what is pointed by R12 with the overflow,
  • This will change the value of RAX,
  • RAX is then used as a function pointer in a call,

We can translate in pseudo-code what is happening call *(*(R12)), or simpler:

R12 = &(overflow[??])
call *(*R12) = call *overflow[??]

Then, we can control the flow and if we change what is pointed by R12 to a pointer to a vulnerable code, we win.

Without reversing we already have a lot of information, but to validate our hypothesis we will have to open Ghidra. We quickly find that the code is in C++ (good news) and therefore there is a lot of garbage code. We start to focus on the Cat structure (we can make the hypothesis that it’s a class) and find some interesting information using the structure editor of Ghidra:

Reverse of the Cat structure

As we can see, the Cat class is composed of a name field of 64 bytes (where the overflow is happening) and a super interesting function pointer vptr_Cat. We know that this a sign of a vtable and confirm that Cat is a class, that surely deal with inheritance.

As a reminder of what a vtable is, let’s read a bit of Wikipedia:

In computer programming, a virtual method table (VMT), virtual function table, virtual call table, dispatch table, vtable, or vftable is a mechanism used in a programming language to support dynamic dispatch (or run-time method binding). Whenever a class defines a virtual function (or method), most compilers add a hidden member variable to the class that points to an array of pointers to (virtual) functions called the virtual method table. These pointers are used at runtime to invoke the appropriate function implementations, because at compile time it may not yet be known if the base function is to be called or a derived one implemented by a class that inherits from the base class.

Typically, the compiler creates a separate virtual method table for each class. When an object is created, a pointer to this table, called the virtual table pointer, vpointer or VPTR, is added as a hidden member of this object. As such, the compiler must also generate “hidden” code in the constructors of each class to initialize a new object’s virtual table pointer to the address of its class’s virtual method table.

Since everything is better explained with a diagram, here is one:

If you want to delve deeper into the subject, a good reference is available here: SMASHING C++ VPTRS. We can see the vtable in gdb:

Vtable view in gdb

So, we know via gdb that we need to deal with a function pointer to exploit the buffer overflow, and we just saw that the overflowable Cat class contains a vptr. We are close to victory, now we just have to make a choice to exploit the situation:

  • Place our own vtable (pointer) in memory and make R12 point to it,
  • Use the current vtable, but call a vulnerable function.

The second option is the simplest, but we need to dig a bit more to make a definitive choice. So let’s check the binary’s protections:

FORTIFY   : disabled
NX        : disabled
PIE       : disabled
RELRO     : Partial

That’s good, we can use both techniques without issue (we don’t have to deal with any canaries for this buffer overflow). Now let’s find the offset to control R12:

GDB view of the R12 overflow and offset

The offset is 64 (name) + 8 (padding) to control what is pointed by R12 and therefore RAX. We can now search for a vulnerable function in Ghidra by searching for a reference to flag.txt (CTF classic):

Ghidra disassembly of a function containing the flag

Vulnerable function found, in place of the pet function of the HackerCat structure. After a bit more digging in Ghidra, we know that HackerCat inherit from the Cat class, and that the function pet is a virtual function. Therefore, to call this function the binary will use the vtable of the concerned object.

To call a virtual function at runtime, the binary will use this format: (*(vtable_addr) + function_offset)(). After a quick look in Ghidra we can find that the pet virtual function is not the first in the vtable (function_offset is not 0), and therefore a call to this function will have this form:

vptr = &vtable
pet_fn_offset = ??
call [*(vptr + pet_fn_offset)]

However, we found that a virtual function is called when doing A - List all cats, and it’s the first in the vtable (function_offset is 0). Therefore we end with this layout:

vptr = &vtable
call [*vptr]

So we have again two possibilities:

  • We can make an exploit using C - Pet a cat that will call the pet virtual function. This implies using the vtable of the HackerCat class to be able to call the HackerCat::pet win function.
  • We can use A - List all cats that call another virtual function. This implies replacing a virtual function address with HackerCat::pet.

In a diagram this translates to (we find at the top the initial situations, and at the bottom the corresponding exploitation path):

Possible exploitation paths, one per column

Both options are good, but let’s take the second option that is simpler to debug. Let’s retrieve the vtable address of HackerCat and the address of the pointer to HackerCat::pet in the same table:

Show the vtable of HackerCat in Ghidra

Now, our plan is complete and, since there are no particular protections, we can test everything locally and find the right addresses, then we will just have to replay the same sequence on the online address. The plan is therefore as follows:

  • We know that we can overwrite the address of the vtable of Cat objects.
  • We know that pointers to (virtual) functions in this vtable are called for A - List all cats and C - Pet a cat TUI commands.
  • We know that the function which will give us the flag is HackerCat::pet.
  • We know that if we replace the vptr pointer of a Cat object with the HackerCat::pet pointer of the vtable we win.

So we just have to send an input in the menu “B - Name a cat” which contains the overflowable input with 72 bytes of garbage and then the address of the pointer to the function HackerCat::pet, which can be found in the vtable of HackerCat via Ghidra. This gives us the following exploit (that is very simple, but we like overthinking here):

from ctypes import LittleEndianStructure
from gc import garbage
from pwn import *

context.arch = 'amd64'
context.endian = 'little'

r = remote('calicovision.wpi-ctf-2022-codelab.kctf.cloud', 1337)

# since we can erase the vtable address, the form of the call will be (*(vtable))()
# so we need to place the address of a pointer to the right function
# to do that, we can use the vtable of the already existing object we want to use (HackerCat)

# Trigger the BOF
garbage = b'A' * 72
# Here we place the address of the vtable pointer to HackerCat::pet => 0x5b0078.
function_address = p64(0x5b0078)
exploit = garbage + function_address

# B - rename cat
# New name = exploit
# A - list cats



And we get the flag: WPI{c0rrup73d_c475_cr3473_ch405}.

In the end, this was very simple, but allowed us to manipulate vtables and many tools.

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